Reports & Insights
Interactive dashboard brings “gold standard” US sports participation insights to life.

Interactive dashboard brings “gold standard” US sports participation insights to life.
Reports & Insights
Understanding and segmenting sports participation is essential to anyone hoping to build a product, market an offer, deliver a program, or develop a strategy. Now, a special discount on interactive participation data makes insights on almost a hundred US Sports more accessible, actionable and affordable than ever.
The underlying research comes from 18,000 nationally representative participants from across the United States. It analyses trends among all population groups aged 6 and over and represents “The gold standard” according to ESPN.
Keith Storey, President of Sports Marketing Surveys, explained the sports participation dashboard.
“We have been supplying robust participation data to the sports industry for nearly 20 years. Previously we’ve made the data available in PDF reports but, after inviting feedback from clients we have developed the dashboard to make the data as easy to interrogate and use as possible. We’ve worked to make the user experience as smooth as possible while also keeping costs down. We are confident this is now a valuable offer for sports businesses of all sizes. We want this to be something that is available to everyone with a stake in sport, and we are confident that it will become an invaluable tool for anyone who uses it.”
The dashboard shows six years of trends and detailed demographic breakdowns of 88 sports.
A free demo version is available for those wishing to test out the system. It includes real 2020 participation data on two sports; elliptical motion / cross-training and table tennis. Users can look at overall participation levels, play frequency and trends over the last six years. The dashboard makes it easy to dig deeper on each metric, for example to compare the rates and frequency of play among participants of different genders, ages, incomes, education levels, and from different regions.
Interactive controls allow viewers to see that participation in table tennis (as in other racquet / paddle / bat sports) rose 13.3% overall. They can also understand the dynamics behind that trend, learning that casual participation jumped much faster than core play. Similarly, users can identify that participation jumped much faster among men, older, and less educated groups than women, younger, and more educated players.
All data housed within the dashboard is downloadable as excel tables for additional analysis. As well as the detailed data on purchased sports, full topline data is available to contextualize total participation in each sport.
Users can either purchase pre-set dashboards comparing all the sports within specific sub-sectors of the industry, for example team sports, fitness, action sports. Custom sub-sets of sports are also available.
For those subscribing before the end of 2021, a special offer is available. Those purchasing a full year’s access in 2022 (including the free update with next year’s data), will receive complimentary access for the rest of 2021.
Prices for the dashboard start from $3,200. For more information or to trial the system, please contact Keith Storey using the button below.
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