Sports Marketing Surveys has developed one of the most innovative applications of sports participation data. Interested parties can now leverage SMS USA participation data to identify sports participation activity and behaviour at a local level known as geotargeting. This is a significant improvement over the usage of national participation rates that was used in the past. Geotargeting allows us to drill down into zip codes, to develop hot/cold maps, to show where core and casual participation is increasing/decreasing in the United States of America.
The main applications for this technology include:
- Targeted merchandising and new product launches.
- Site selection for recreational sports, health and fitness facilities.
- Localized usage and revenue projections for sports facilities.
- More accurate demand and usage models for parks and recreation departments.
The following groups can benefit:
- Manufacturers
- Retailers
- Sports facility owners and operators
- Local authorities
- Sports commissions
- Convention and visitor bureaus
- Parks and Recreation departments
To view a sample of our maps, see a Geotargeting sample heatmap below.
This map shows Tennis Participation in the state of Texas, with the local tennis retailers also listed on the map.
View a larger version of Texas Tennis created with eSpatial mapping software.
For more information on this area, please contact:
Sports Marketing Surveys has developed one of the most innovative applications of sports participation data.
This is a significant improvement over the usage of national participation rates that was used in the past.

Geotargeting enables buyers to delve deeper than ever before into sports participation trends at the hyper local level. In doing so it can be an invaluable tool for retailers, federations, events, venues, brands and marketeers across the sports industry.
Keith Storey, Vice President, Sports Marketing Surveys USA.